Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have pretty bad vision and have wanted to get laser eye surgery for years now. I have been researching eye surgery for a while now and here are the results.

Kevin Cadengo
Professor Tortoro
August 31, 2008

I. Laser Eye Surgery
A. Very helpful to some
1. Conditions for surgery
a. Good
- Normal eyes
- Stable vision
- In mid 20’s
- Be in good health
b. Bad
- Cannot have diabetes
- Cannot have extreme astigmatisms
- Cannot have large pupils
- Cannot be young with growing eye balls
- Cannot be blind
B. The Effect
1. Good
- Half have 20/20 vision after 6 months
- 93% are guaranteed to have 20/40 after 6 months
2. Bad
- Not many risks
- Chance of mistakes
- Chance for Blindness
- Chance of sensitivity to the sun
- People past 40 usually have to buy reading glasses due to the lenses in their eyes get larger and cannot get corrected by surgery.
1. Types
- Laser Assisted Intrastromal Keratomuleusis
- Skin covering the eye is cut and lifted, the top layer of the cornea is cut and lifted and the underling layer of the cornea is reshaped with a laser.
- Takes 15 minutes
- 80,000 procedures preformed in 1999
b. PRK
- Earlier laser eye surgery procedure it differs form lasik in that PRK reshapes the surface of the cornea not the underlying layer.
- Longer time for recovery
- 4 months worth of eye drops
D. Costs
1. Price Per Procedure
a. Price
- 4,000 median price
- Out of country is 2,000 for both
- Not covered by Insurance as of now
- Might be covered by Insurance in the near future
E. Picking a Surgeon
1. Right guy for the JOB
a. Qualifications
- Must visit Optometrist first
- Ask Optometrist for recommendations
- Ask as many questions to EYE surgeon, such as how may times they have preformed the surgery, and their techniques…
- Make sure the Surgeon is certified

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